couple talking to an agent

Real Estate Agent Interviews: Things to Ask

Whether you are selling or buying a property, having a real estate agent to work with will immediately remove a load of burden off your shoulders. However, if this is your first time doing real estate transactions, the whole process might seem overwhelming. After all, finding the right agent to help you with the job is not as easy as picking your outfit for the day.
The key to shortlisting your candidates is by asking the right questions during your interview. Yes, interviewing real estate agents from your home in Kansas City might seem troublesome, but this essential step is needed to make sure you find the right person for the job.
Below are some questions worth asking to help you properly evaluate their skills and expertise. Knowing the following will help you make the most informed decisions.

How long have you been in the business?

You would be more at ease working with an experienced real estate agent compared to a new one. While you’re at it, make sure they also present the necessary permits and documentation proving that they are licensed to operate and that they are certified to practice in the field. It’s also important to note that not all real estate newcomers should be avoided. Promising newcomers are often determined through the kind of reviews and references they get and provide.

What is your buying and selling ratio?

Are you selling or buying a property? Is your real estate agent more skilled in buying or selling one? It is essential to set this straight, as this will help you decide which one to hire. You wouldn’t hire an agent who specializes in selling properties when you need to buy one.

How do you plan to deliver my needs?

As a client, you have your preferences and needs. Your real estate agent should be able to deliver these with ease. Discussing their “attack plan” can give you a glimpse of their working style and whether it matches with your style and budget.

Do you work part-time or full-time?

couple with a real estate agent

The answer should be full-time. Buying or selling your home is something you should focus on because real estate is also a race against time. Having an old property in the listing for months is not something beneficial for you. Thus, it is important to have an agent dedicated to the field.

Have you dealt with properties in this area?

The answer is, preferably, yes. Having dealt with properties in the area means your agent knows connections, the best deals, and legal policies in the locality. They also know of similar properties in case your first option is not available. These things will be beneficial for you as you proceed with your transaction.
There is no better way to know your real estate agent than through personally talking to them and asking relevant questions. There is no right or wrong answer as it would solely depend on your preference as a client. But, knowing which important things to ask can make the process of evaluation and elimination a lot easier.

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