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10 Simple and Easy Ways to Brighten Up Your Home This Summer

Summer is here! Is your home ready for it?

You don’t need to do a total home makeover to make your home summer-ready. Ask any property seller in Wimbledon or Birmingham and they’ll tell you it’s the little things that make a big difference.

Here are a few simple and easy ways to spruce up your home for this sunny and warm season: 

10 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Home for Summer

1. Tidy up the place. 

One of the simplest ways of getting your home summer-ready is cleaning it up and getting rid of unnecessary clutter and junk. Think of it as doing a mini-spring cleaning or an end-of-season spring cleaning to help usher in the summer season.

2. Replace the drapes.

Take down the old curtains and drapes and replace them with light-colored curtains or see-through ones made of light fabrics. It’s amazing what a change of draperies around the house can do to give your home a fresh new look. 

3. Add colorful pillows. 

Summer is mostly associated with bright colors so it makes sense to adapt to it by adding colorful pillows or putting on colorful pillowcases on your existing ones at home. This is a cheaper way of adding color to your home instead of painting it. 

4. Give the fireplace a summer feel. 

Although a fireplace is used primarily for cooler weather conditions, it doesn’t have to stay dull and drab during other seasons of the year. Give your fireplace the summer treatment by decorating it in a summer theme that the whole family will love.

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5. Decorate with lemons. 

Add some personality to your otherwise dull clear flower vases by hiding the crowded look of flower stems with slices of lemon. Take it a step further and convert one of your unused glass pitchers into a flower vase filled with lemon slices. 

6. Add mirrors. 

Architecturally, mirrors help create the illusion of a bigger space inside small and cramped quarters. The addition of mirrors not only helps make your space seem bigger, but they also reflect light around making the area a little bit brighter. 

7. Move some furniture around. 

If you’re feeling a bit adventurous and would like to experiment on your space, try moving some of your furniture around. Rearranging furniture dramatically changes the way a room looks and feels, just in time for the change of season.

8. Bring in some green. 

If your home does not have any outdoor space, it doesn’t mean that you can no longer enjoy having plants around. A little resourcefulness is all you need to bring a few outdoor elements inside. Just make sure that the plants you bring in are suitable for indoor spaces. 

9. Change the lighting. 

There’s just something about lighting that leaves an impact on people. By changing your lighting, whether it’s just the bulbs or the fixtures, you can already give your home a huge change in appearance.

10. Bring in some summer scents indoors. 

Don’t you just love the scent of summer whenever you step out? Well, bringing these summer scents indoors can help summerize your home by placing scented candles and oils in key places around your house to make it smell like summer. 

How do you prepare your home for summertime? Share some of your simple home improvement tips with us in the comments section below. 

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